Cron Monitoring

I have a script in cron entry

55 15-22 * * * /clocal/rcc/user/dgircc/bin/appcontext/dcClearAppContext.ksh TEST >/tmp/dcClearAppContext.out 2>&1

how can i monitor the script whether it has run each time thriygh or not ?
how can i monitor multiple scripts of this kind through a script .please help me .

check mail, cronjob error will be sent to mail. (Unix ID's mail)

If the script ran with errors then it will send to mail but if it hasn't run atall then how can i check that?

55 15-22 * * * /clocal/rcc/user/dgircc/bin/appcontext/dcClearAppContext.ksh TEST >/tmp/dcClearAppContext.out 2>&1 | mail 'user' ?

you can also check the created time of file "dcClearAppContext.out "... if this is the latest time then it should have run....

in debian family, you should have information about the cron job invocation in /var/log/syslog.