Cron Jobs

whats up,

Have some questions about cron jobs, I am fairly new to the unix os.

My cronjob sends all output to my mail, does anyone know how to redirect output to come out on the screen???


In short you cannot, Cron is not attached to a terminal.

Thanks for the reponse,

So theres no way to, lets just say, spit out the date every 15 minutes to your screen??

I think crontab would look something like this:

15,30,45,60 * * * * echo `date'

nope, not like that. [btw, you have to have matching ticks].

what you can do is redirect the output to a file and 'tail -f' a file in window:

15,30,45,60 * * * * echo `date` > /tmp/dateFile 2>&1

and in a shell:
tail -f /tmp/dateFile

> /dev/null 2 >&1

.... and how exactly will this help the OP?


(edit: Linux box here..... will test on a Sun box tomorrow)

$ tty
$ crontab -l
* * * * * echo "Hello" > /dev/pts/2
$ Hello

It's crude and obviously the tty would be variable.
