Cron Job Issue

My Friends
I want to run a script only at the end of month.but i tried below cront entry its not working. pls help

0 9 28-31   [[ "$(TZ="GMT-$((24*1))" date +\%d)" == "01" ]] && /usr/bin/bash /u01/app/scripts/

Os Details: AIX

WHAT is "not working"? Any error message? Are you aware that the month and day-of-week date fields are missing in above crontab entry?

And, isn't $((24*1)) an overcomplicated way to express 24 ?

Hi Rudi
Thanks Months need to add like 1-12 , issue is The process was run every day not on the end of the month.
any improvements?

Any errors?


You could try;

* 9 28-31 * * [ $(date -d +1day +\%d) -eq 1 ] && /usr/bin/bash /u01/app/scripts/

Depends how clever the version of date is.



Thanks Guyz