Cron Job Issue

Dear Members
Seeking you help on my issue.
this script need to run on every end of month.i configured as below.
but it runs everyday.

0 9 28-31 * * [[ "$(TZ="GMT-$((24*1))" date +\%d)" == "01" ]] && /usr/bin/bash /u01///scripts/

What OS are you on?
With GNU date , you can do:

date --date 'tomorrow' '+%d'

can u tel me why 'tomorow' means

With the GNU date utility:

date --date 'tomorrow' '+%d'

tomorrow is an option-argument to the --date long option specifying that it wants the date utility to process its operand as if it were running tomorrow instead of running today.

Note that when used in a cron command, you may still need a backslash before the percent sign to keep it from being interpreted as a request to enter a new-line character.

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