Cron job for Perl script

Although there are many threads on this forum regarding cron, none have specifically answered my question. So hopefully someone can shed some light on what I'm doing wrong..

I have a perl script that I want to run in a cron job. Since I've read that cron doesn't have any environments set, I called the script inside a ksh script to be able to the set environment path (only way I knew how).. After going through this, the cron job still isn't working.. I've manually tested the script(s) many times with success, so I'm thinking that it has to be an environment issue? TIA

Please show us how you are calling the script to set the environment
variables and the error message you are having.

ok.. the details are below..

crontab -l shows:

1 * * * * /home/<user>/bin/

Here is how I have

set PATH=/home/<user>/bin
export PATH


I have verified that executes successfully, but the cron job seems to be where my trouble is.. Hopefully someone can point out my mistake(s).

I figured out what I was doing wrong, I had the cron job incorrect. It was running every 1st minute of the hour.. I wanted it to run every minute (for testing).. So it should have been * * * * *, instead of 1 * * * *.. Idiotic, i know..