Creating Partitions


I'm trying to create two lpars on a machine which has 2disks. I dont want to create a vio, I just want to create two partitions and build aix on both through DVD.

Can I do this? If 'yes' how can I do it and how to create the partitions on separate disks?

Please let me know further.

Thank you.

That will depend on the system type, the HMC type and code level, even whether the two disks are on the same or different controllers or PCI cards.

Have a google for something like: aix lpar

Come back with much more detail if you need any further guidance or assistance please.


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You need to have 2 sparate controlers.
You need to Have HMC
You need to have proper licenece
for Exemple On PowerVM basic when you do not use IVM micropatition is not working it means for each lpar you need to have full core.

I would be concerned that you are setting yourself up for a crash running an LPAR with a single disk, even if they are on separate controllers. You have no protection against disk failure in that set-up, so I would suggest that your server is not really capable of supporting more than a simple whole server.

Consider a disk failure, LPAR is down, end of. You are in a DR situation. :eek: Is that acceptable? Protecting yourself involves spending money somewhere, I'm afraid. Do you have any external (SAN) storage available? Of course, you would need a method to connect to the SAN then..... :rolleyes:

Other things to consider are ethernet cards. Do you have enough available for two LPARs? You would need at least two for each, one public, one management/data backup LAN etc. There is lots to consider before just launching yourself into running too much on a low-spec server.

I hope that this gives you something to think on. Feel free to come back with more questions though.
