Creating new system Makefile template

I am attempting to set-up a Makefile to use for a new system on a Sun Unix machine.

I am new to creating Makefiles. I am trying to start simply by compiling a program. I am getting the following error message but an uncertain what 'Error Code 1' is. Is there a web site with Error Codes somewhere?

Here is the full output from my Makefile execution:
(star9)(abi)-->/apps/abi/src> abimake abi1000
make -f /apps/abi/tools/ "HDRDIR = /apps/abi/include" "DEBUGGER = -g" "USERID = /" \
# "/apps/abi/bin/abilib.o \
abi1000 > ./abimake.log 2>&1; \
rm abi1000.o ;
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `abi1000'

NOTE: to try to simplify the process I wanted to comment out building the library as I keep getting the message: 'make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `/apps/abi/bin/abilib.o''. So I thought, tackle one issues at a time.

Anyway, this is my Makefile as it is now:

ABI_HOME = /apps/abi
LOG = ./abimake.log

USERID =/ # Default userid for pcc command unless passed from command line
DEBUGGER= -g # Default debugger for cc command unless passed from command line


SENDTOLOG = > $(LOG) 2>&1

abi1000 : \
<spaces> $(PRGHDR)/abi1000.h \
<spaces> abi1000.pc
<tab> "OBJECTS= \
<tab> $@ $(SENDTOLOG); \
<tab> rm abi1000.o ;

Any ideas on what the error message is resulting from?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

The make utility

It may be that it doesn't see the file due to path reasons (see the link posted above- search for your error).

The man page shows that the error from shell commands comes back as your posted error - Could not find a list of error codes for these errors (but I'm sure it's out there...just can't find it)
man page for make -s 1s