Creating for loop for tar -tvf doesnt work

hi all,

i have created a for loop, it looks like this -

cd /mnt/local/data/tars
for tar in *

        base=$(basename "$tar")

        "$base" -tvf >> /mnt/local/data/logs/"$base".csv


but i get this error -

./ line 8: test1.tar: command not found
./ line 8: test2.tar: command not found
./ line 8: test3.tar: command not found
./ line 8: test4.tar: command not found
./ line 8: test.tar: command not found

so in my

cd /mnt/local/data/tars

i have the tar files above ie test1.tar and so on

why am i getting this error

many thanks,



evaluates to a file name, which is not a valid script or command.

  tar -tvf "$base" >> /mnt/local/data/logs/"$base".csv
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thanks, it works but that command doesnt make sense,

the command to do manually is -

filename.tar -tvf

why have you put "$base" after the tvf

edit - sorry i had a dumb moment, i figured it out