Creating Excel Sheet in Hp-UX

Dear Members,

How do I create an eqvivalant of Excel sheet in Hp-UX.
Is there any application like the Microsoft Excel on HP-UX.
How do I invoke it.


There is a project name OpenOffice from SUN,that has the same features than office.
It supports some versions of UNIX, linux and windows. They are doing a version for HP, I am not pretty sure if it is ready. You can see more information at

To the best of my knowledge there is no spread sheet type software in HP-UX.

best thing to do is manage your out put as a text file with comma delimited field separators (on HP-UX) and then ftp (transfer) to your PC, import into your spread sheet (ie excel) as a commad delimited file and let excel convert it for you.


I do this a lot with scripts that collect infomation the management need.

Of course this works the same if you have info you want to use on your HP-UX.
basicly convert your excel spread sheet to a comma delimuted file (csv) and transfer to your HP-UX system.

Once there compose a script to read the fields and proccess the info as required.

If i want transfer from MS excel sheet to HP UX with all tab sheets, then what will be the way?
Mahesh Kr Sharma

Hi Mahesh kr Sharma,

The file on HP-UX needs to be a simple flat text file.

You can not save your excel spread sheet with all the tab sheets.

The only way would be to....
Save each tab sheet as a separate "delimited" text file. Use a delimiter that UNIX likes eg "," "." ":" for example. I like the comma ",".

Once you a have your NON excel spread sheet but a csv files, transfer then to the unix box as text files.

To convert your MS Excel spread sheets see the "Save As" option and set your properities from there. Don't forget to give a different name to the original so you know what your doing...

Have fun....!

If you have Excel 2002 or later and are familiar with XML, then you can generate an XML Spreadsheet.