Creating an excel file with filters using shell script.

Hi All,

I am new to shell scripting.
I have made a script that can convert an excel file from cvs file.
This excel file contains hundreds of records and i would like the reader to be able to filter.
Is it possible to create an excel file with filters? or that functionality has not been implemented yet?

Thanks to all!

If the intent is to work with a spreadsheet program then just use the filter menu in the spreadsheet program. Most spreadsheet programs can open a properly formatted csv file without the need to reformat.

Thanks! but one of my requirements were, once the file is attached it must already have a filter when the receiver opens the excel file. is that possible?

Please rephrase your request, as it's unclear what "convert an excel file from cvs file" might mean. If that works on *nix, why can't you add the desired filter in there?

The general *nix tools commonly used don't provide functionality to operate on proprietary formats like MS EXCEL files (that are considered binary), except for some perl module(s). You might be lucky to concoct some libre- or open office script that helps, but your mileage may vary.