Creating a script to download images from multiple cameras using ghoto2

I should start by saying that I am totally new to linux...

I am trying to create a script that downloads images from multiple cameras into a specific folder on my machine. Ideally renaming the images as they are downloaded.

I have installed gphoto2 which as a command line interface that allows me to communicate with the cameras.

There are a few commands that I think will come in handy, either

[--list-cameras] [--list-ports] [--stdout] [--stdout-size]
[--auto-detect] [--port PATH] [--speed SPEED] [--camera MODEL]  

This will list all the cameras currently connected to my machine.


[[-p RANGE or NAME] | [--get-file RANGE or NAME]] [[-P] | [--get-all-files]]

to download the images. I hope this is enough information to get started!