Creating a Mirror RAID With Existing Disk

Hi there,
I'm not sure if this is possible, but here is what I'd like to do..

I have an existing 160GB drive in my Redhat 9.0 server that I would like to add an additional 160GB drive to and create a mirrored RAID of the first disk to the new disk. I would like to do this without having to affect the existing disk or the filesystem on it. Is it possible to just add a new physical device and set it to mirror the existing drive?

Thanks guys!


In short, yes. But I'm not personally familiar with it, since I've never done it. Remember you can always search these forums first: :slight_smile:

  • provides a nifty link to google
  • (explains how to do it in solaris - may have useful info)

Anyway, I'm sure someone else can help you much more, but maybe this can get you started...

Thank you oombera. I would normally start a round of wild Google searches to find the info, but I am new to these forums and I thought I would jump right in and start a fresh post. This section seems like it needed a little action as well. :slight_smile:

I wish Linux had some similar tools for disk management as Solaris. And I wish I could afford Solaris hardware for home that would parallel what I can afford in standard x86 hardware! :wink: