creating a dynamic array in ksh


Is it possible to create a dynamic array in shell script. I am trying to get the list of logfiles that created that day and put it in a dynamic array. I am not sure about it. help me

New to scripting

Dynamic arrays are really the only kind you can have in ksh. But they are limited in max size. 1024 is a common limit. Could that be your problem?

I am listing files(file names) with one particular date in my script, this size varies, i want store this info in array, call each file look for error or warning in that file, if there is any e-mail me otherwise go to next file and do this on all the files. I am not sure how to put together this routine.


It doesn't sound like this needs an array anyway. Try a loop something like this:

#! /usr/bin/ksh

for file in *.logfile ; do
        process $file
exit 0