Creating a batch file..

Hello, this is my first post and i hope you can solve my problem.

I need to create a batch file that will copy folder from hard drive on to usb stick on daily basis.

Can you help me and write that file and explaine me what to do next.

Folder's location is: c\windows\desktop\2009

Thank you very much!

how about using something like this:
DeltaCopy - Rsync for Windows

hmm.. No. it's to complicated for me. I have one computer and all i want is to copy directory from one folder to usb stick on a daily basis.

The USB stick will usually appear as a set drive, say E:

A simple copy statement may do the trick

copy c:\windows\desktop\2009\*.* E:

This will cause all the files (*.*) to be copied to the root of E:. This may not be what is desired as it will prompt for overwrites. You may want these files in a specific directory on the USB stick and other possible variations.

Thank you, but i already managed to solve my problem :slight_smile:

In case someone else comes across this, the 'right' command is xcopy (or even robocopy in Vista). It's designed for copying whole directory structures like this, and can be set to ignore unchanged files and the like.