Create Repositories with the *.dump filetype

I've a bunch of repository dumps that I need to include in my shell script to restore from the dump, but first I need to create the repositories first. How do I extract the names of the repository and removing the *.dump for use of the following line?

bash-3.00$ ls

and I need to execute this commands

bash-3.00$ svnadmin create andromeda
bash-3.00$ svnadmin load andromeda </opt/vendor/svn/backups/andromeda.dump &

and repeat this for a few hundred repositories.

My guess is I need to use sed or awk to transform and omit the ".dump" first?

Not tested:

for dump in *.dump
    repo=$( basename $dump '.dump' )
    echo svnadmin create $repo
    ( echo "svnadmin load $repo < /opt/vendor/svn/backups/$dump" && echo "$(date) $repo restore done" ) &

If the commands echoed look ok, un-echo the svnadmin commands.

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I tested the script and it doesn't omit off the *.dump.

Ah, yes, missed something on the basename line. Fixed in the above post.

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Perfect! Exactly what I needed! Thanks! :slight_smile: