Create New User in Solaris 10

Dear All,

I think this stupid question, but I was search in this forum and I not yet have get specific answer for my problem.
I just installed Sun Solaris 10 in my box, and I want add new user, but there is can't work , I try this command

useradd -u 1002 -g 102 -d /home/export/heru -s /bin/sh

but thereis not work, and how to create password for new user.




Can you tell us exactly what error you are getting? And try this too:

useradd -u 1002 -g 102 -m -d /home/export/heru -s /bin/sh

The -m is to create the directory if it doesn't already exist.
And to set the password, you have to use the passwd command:
passwd username

Make sure you run both the commands as root.

I going to go out on a limb and suggest that this was supposed to be /export/home, not /home/export and that may have been part of the problem also.

Yes, is must be /export/home/heru :slight_smile:

I have created folder heru in /export/home , and when i executed that command
error message some like "command error "
thank's for replay

You haven't specified the username. Add the username at the end of the command, eg:
useradd -u 1002 -g 102 -d /home/export/heru -s /bin/sh heru

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try this it should work.

useradd -d /export/home/user -m -s /bin/ksh -g javap user5

Thank's Krrishv,

that's work, and now I have 1 new user, but when I try to login from terminal that's not work, I have message :

No utmpx entry, you must exec "login" from the lowest level "shell"

and same when I try to login with Desktop.

what must be setting for that ?

Thank you



kill utmpd, flush the following files in /var/adm: utmp, utmpx, wtpm & wtmpx and restart utmpd.

hope this solves your problem.