create metabd error

hi all,

i have a questions :

i cant creat my database replicat

how can i do this?

anyone can help me please

i was found solution , i used a slice that is mounted

make sure you use slice 7 fo metadb
eg : metadb -a -c3 -f /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7

why slice 7?? i have many of mine on slice 1.

I am also interested to know, why to use slice 7 only.....????

slice 1 is used for swap space. actually you can use any slice for your metadb ..Don't ask me why --> :stuck_out_tongue: ... but its a standard practise to use the last slice for your metadb

i think its safe to say it can be stored on any slice you feel. but yes, this depends on how you have your disk formatted.

Thanks incredible...
In My cenario also we use slice 7 only, I myself use slice 7 only, without knowing the reson and thought may be there be some......

you can use any other slice

actually there was no restriction to use only slice 7. any slice is ok.