Create a file with comment in script

Be indulgent for my english.

Can you help me ?

function f1 {

 egrep -v '^#' list_file \
 | while read arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4; do 
  f1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4   

In list_file there is

I want to replace list_file by a $var
then when i launch the script with a file's name
For example

./my_script file1

I want the script create file1 with the #comment

Thank you in advance.

I'm not sure if I follow your spec, however something like the following seems to be what you're trying to do:

skrynesaver@busybox ~/tmp$ cat 
function f1 { echo  $(($1 + $2 + $3 + $4 )) ;  }

while read line ; do
	echo $line | grep -e '^#' >>$1 || f1 $line
done < ~/tmp/tmp.dat

skrynesaver@busybox ~/tmp$ cat tmp.dat
# comment 1
# comment 2
10 20 12 9
#comment 3
12 4 6 7 
#comment 4
skrynesaver@busybox ~/tmp$ ./ comments
skrynesaver@busybox ~/tmp$ cat comments
# comment 1
# comment 2
#comment 3
#comment 4
skrynesaver@busybox ~/tmp$ 

Thank you for your response but it is not exactly what I want.

I would like that the # comments are written inside the script itself.
These comments are only here to explain the array and are always the same.
The user enters only the four variables 10 20 srv_log srv4 from the third line.
The user can choice the name file.

For example

./myscript mylogname

Have a nice day..

---------- Post updated at 06:23 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:17 AM ----------

I would like too that the script creates the mylogname when

./myscript mylogname

To expand on what Skrynesaver used in the code, the man page for egrep has this for egrep -v :

So when you tried this:

egrep -v '^#' list_file
Egrep was told to search for all lines that did 'not' begin with a "#" character. Simply removing "-v" parameter would have allowed you to grep out the lines with hashes:

egrep '^#' list_file 
# This is a comment
# This is another comment

The "-v" parameter works the same way with grep. As you may notice Skrynesaver used -e instead which is used for pattern matching like '^#', but essentially this is the same thing without the "-v".

Just thought I would add this in case you wanted to understand this and know more about how grep and egrep work.

EDIT: Sorry, if this seems out of order. I believe you must have posted while I was typing this.

It is really unclear what is required. Is the list_file variable or the output file?
You could try something like this and adjust as required...

f1() {
  :                             # put your function here

[ $# -eq 1 ] || exit 1          # exit when no file provided
outfile=$1                      # this is the file that the user provides on the command line

while read line; do
  case $line in               
    \#*) echo "$line"           # Skip the comment
      *) set -- $line           # split $line into positional parameters
         f1 "$@"                # call f1 with the positional parameters
done < list_file > "$outfile"   # read from list_file, write to $outfile

Sorry Scrutinizer,

You 're right, it's not clear what I said.
I start again.


function f1 {

 egrep -v '^#' list_file \
 | while read arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4; do 
  f1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4   

For information
My function f1 is going to grep the lines between 2 hours (10 to 20) and (08 to 10) respectively in srv4's srv_log and srv3's srv_log.
Then this function f1 will put the results into 2 files named srv4.srv_log.10H-20H and srv3.srv_log.08H-10H.

Here's how I'd like my script works

1st case : I create the list_file before

Then i launch

./my_script list_file

2nd case i launch the script without list_file


I would like my_script creates automatically list_file with these comments

And at the prompt echo

Third case
I launch the script with these parameters

./my_script 10 20 srv_log srv4

I would like my_script creates automatically list_file with these comments.

I hope I was clear enough now
I'm sorry again. Thank you for your response.

More guessing than reading/understanding, I've come up with

# set -vx

f1()    {
         echo $1 $2 $3 $4                                       # put your function here

case $# in
        0)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > list_file    # create list_file as desired
                read -p "Please fill in this list_file: "       # prompt as desired, read answer
                echo $REPLY                                     # do whatever with the user's reply
        1)      [ -f "$1" ] || exit                             # check if file exists; otherwise exit
                grep -v '^#' "$1" |                             # do what you did before
                        while read arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
                                do f1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4
        4)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > list_file    # create list_file as desired
                echo $1 $2 $3 $4 >> list_file                   # put your function here
        *)      echo "error msg"; exit

$ ./test X Y Z S
$ cat list_file
# comment1
# comment2

Would this come near to what you expect?

Thank you very much RudiC, it' OK :b:

I'd like to make a fourth case
Running the script as a parameter a file name at the discretion of the user

For example

./ my_script tom 10 20 srv_log srv4

I tried in vain. Can you help me ?

Another question
How do I put begin_hour below 10, end_hour below 20 and so on ? (like an array)

I'm sorry but i'm not a pro in Shell
Thank you again

Put this between the 4) line and the *) line:

        5)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > $1           # create file with $1 file name as desired
                echo $1 $2 $3 $4 >> list_file                   # put your function here

Now that there's line after line with similar code coming up, we could find quite some opportunities for optimizing...
re. your "another question" - sorry, I don't understand what your after.

It didn't work.
Is there an error at red line ? $1 instead of list_file
But it doesn't work too with echo $1 $2 $3 $4 >> $1
syntax error near unexpected symbol ")"

Yes, you're absolutely right - should read >> "$1" (putting double quotes around $1 would be wise, too) Sorry for sloppy copying...
As there is no ")" found in the script text, did you check the contents of $1 for ")"?

# set -vx

f1()    {
         echo $1 $2 $3 $4                                       # put your function here

case $# in
        0)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > list_file    # create list_file as desired
                read -p "Please fill in this list_file: "       # prompt as desired, read answer
                echo $REPLY                                     # do whatever with the user's reply
        1)      [ -f "$1" ] || exit                             # check if file exists; otherwise exit
                grep -v '^#' "$1" |                             # do what you did before
                        while read arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
                                do f1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4
        4)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > list_file    # create list_file as desired
                echo $1 $2 $3 $4 >> list_file                   # put your function here
        5)      echo -e "# comment1\n# comment2" > $1           # create file with $1 file name as desired
                f1 $1 $2 $3 $4 >> "$1"                   # put your function here

        *)      echo "error msg"; exit

The case 5 didn't work.

I would like create a file named hello with comments and parameters like

cat hello
A B C D 

I launch my script

./my_script hello A B C D

This script created 2 files hello and A

cat hello
# comment1
# comment2
cat A

Thanks in advance for your help.

Rats! Sorry for that. I should never give out any code without thoroughly testing it - even small "corrections" on the fly will come flying in my face!
Drop the shift and make the next line read
f1 $2 $3 $4 $5 >> "$1" Will work then, hopefully. Pls report back.

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Thank you RudiC :slight_smile: it works.