Create a directory with previous date

Hi All,
can any body tell me how to create a new directory with previous time stamp in HP-UX?.

e.g i am creating a file like

touch -t 07022013 kkk
-rw-r-----   1 feeds      sys              0 Jul  2 20:13 kkk

same how can i create a directory?
please help me.

Thanks & Regards,

I'm not a HP-UX expert but talking generic Unix, the 'touch' command works on either a file or a directory.

Have you tried.............

Create new directory

mkdir <dirname>

Set timestamp of this directory

touch <opt> <timestamp> <dirname>


can you please give me an example?

Thanks & Regards,

mkdir abc
touch -t 02072013 abc

Thanks a lot i have tried as per your instruction ... it worked... :slight_smile:
Thanks Again