creat flash archive

I want take a flash backup by flar command for specific files like:
/ , /boot, /tmp

I am trying this command but its not working

# flar -n archive1 -f /,/boot,/tmp -F -c /home/arc1.flar

Please can any body help me __.____._

I'm writing this from top of my head so it might be wrong...

# flarcreate -n arch1 -x / -y /tmp -y /boot /export/arch1

-x is exclude to the specified directory
-y is to include a specified file or directory (in later Solarises, e.g. is in Solaris 10)
-c is compress so that can stay in from kmuqalled use of flarcreate.
-f is for a list of files so may not work on directories but needs to be used in combination with -F to prevent standard files also being included in the flar file as you have used it. The man page does not specify comma separators so perhaps it simple needs the list without commas?

Assuming your system does have too many directories that you do not want to back up then an alternative methiod is to just give a list of directories you do not want to back up to flarcreate, e.g.:

# flarcreate -n archive1 -x /export/home -x /opt -c /home/archive1