CRAY comes home for you.....

Isn't it annoying to leave work hanging to the next day because the regular home pc will never have the grunt of your HPC system at work.

CRAY have answered someone's prayers ..... Cray Inc., The Supercomputer Company - CX1 Deskside Personal Supercomputer

Cheers, Cam :slight_smile:

That's interesting. About a year before Linus' old company, Transmeta, went under, a company announced a 64-way deskside computer that used Transmeta chips and consumed no more than the typical computer.

$25,000 to $88,000 or $100,000+, depending on who you ask.

I got an 8bit HP desktop station on a grant in 1982 - cost $US24000 - in modern $US that's about $41-$60 thousand now. see: Measuring Worth - Relative Value of US Dollars

So for circa $US60000 we would get how many orders of magnitude more computing power? From 120KHz and ~8000Kflops to what -- maybe 20gigaflops with a CX1 with 6 blades.