CPU Usage for a particular process


I have a shell script. But, upon execution of the same, the cpu usage is sometimes getting 100 % (checked executing top command).

At that point of time, my process hangs, doesn't run anymore. I need to kill it manually.

My concern is, is there any default method, by which I can check each time, whether the CPU usage for my process reaches more than 90 % ?


if <<CPU usage> greater than 90 % >,
sleep 2
< normal execution >.

Currently, I can do it, by taking the output of top command and parsing it (using awk or any similar tools). But, is there any better way to check that ?

Please help.

Thanks and Regards,

Jitendriya Dash.

If your script is hanging, you have a bug in your script. Sleeping occasionally won't help. Debug your code, find out where in the script it is hanging, and then figure out why. Maybe you have an infinite loop...