CPU high - apache real server OK, virtual server not

Got two RHEL servers - one real and one virtual/cloud.

Both run apache web server.

When traffic is applied, CPU seems to go quite high on virtual one (20%) but real is not really affected. Worry is that a further increase in traffic will see a problem.

Experience of RHEL is limited. Whats the best approach to see what CPU is being used for on virtual box?

You could check your web requests by using apache extended status and monitor the requests. Virtual always have some overhead and does not always perform the same way as real.

I wouldn't consider 20% CPU usage high for a web server. I'd even say it's quite low.

Of course increasing the traffic will also increase resource consumption.

I'm not sure what exactly is the issue you're facing, but there are several tools that may help you get an overview of how system resources are being used: top, free, nmon, sar, vmstat, etc.