cp -v command usage?

I am trying to output a log file from cp usage. I think this can be achieved. In my code I have this.

cp -i -v ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/;; > ~/logs/logfile.log

The error I get is "syntax error near unexpected token '>'

What am I missing?

check for the double ';' at the end of the second path: probably a typo error?


If I take away the second ; it now gives me

"syntax error near unexpected token ')'

My actual code is,

s) cp -i -v ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/; > ~/logs/logfile.log

^ It is part of a case statement

Please try:

s) cp -i -v ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/ > ~/logs/logfile.log ;;

and let us know if you get the desired result (I didn't understand that the instruction was part of a case statement).


Yes, sorry. I worked this out myself but internet was down so could not reply. All working fine now. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, is there a quick way of asking the user if they want to overwrite the log file in the script like I do with the -i on cp?

I don't think there is a faster way; perhaps somebody else can suggest such a way.
Anyway, 'cat' already offers the '-i' switch... so, who cares? =)

Have a nice day

Sorry, I do not understand how I would implement cp and cat in the one line? I tried

s) cp -iv ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/ > cat -i ~/logs/logfile.log;;

It gives me a not a directory message for the logs area. Not sure what to do.

Try this:

cp -iv ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/ > ~/logs/logfile.log && cat ~/logs/logfile.log
# Or
cp -iv ~/files/* ~/backups/oldfiles/ > ~/logs/logfile.log ; cat ~/logs/logfile.log