counting the number of lines - again

Hi all,
I use bash shell and I have a problem with wc.
I would like to determine the number of lines in a file so I do
wc -l filename
but I don't want to get the filename again
I just would like to have the number of lines and use it in a variable.
Can anybody help?
Thank you,


lines=$(wc -l < myFile)

echo "lines->[${lines}]"

It works, thank you.
I have another problem.

 LINES=$\(wc -l &lt; filename\)
 echo $LINES
 LINES=\`expr $\{LINES\} - 1\`
 echo $LINES

but I cannot decrement by 1.

I get the following

expr: non-numeric argument


typeset -i lines

lines=$(( $(wc -l < /tmp/a.txt) - 1 ))

echo "lines-1 = [${lines}]"

sorry but I get

lines-1 = [12482]
': not a valid identifiers

works for me - don't see any ':' in the code.
make sure your code is not 'polluted'....

By using a tail command, you can skip to the 2nd line of a file

> wc -l <file110
> tail +2 file110 | wc -l
> lines=$(wc -l <file110)
> echo $lines
> lines=$(tail +2 file110 | wc -l)
> echo $lines

Or, you can use bc as a calculator

> lines=$(wc -l <file110)
> echo $lines -1 | bc
> newlines=$(echo $lines -1 | bc)
> echo $newlines

thanks a lot. a dos2unix did the job!