Counting string of a variable


There is a variable f_name, it store some file names.
Value of f_name=a.sql b.sql c.sql.......
like this.

want to count how many file name the var f_name stores.
Without using loop is there any command to count that.

can you please clarify whether it is a variable or it is a directory which stores list of files.

Depends on the shell you are using:

(assuming elements separated by white spaces)


$ f_name="a.sql b.sql c.sql"
$ print ${#${(z)f_name}}    

[ksh93 & bash]

$ f_name_a=($f_name);printf "%d\n" "${#f_name_a[@]}"

If none of the above works:

$ (f_name="a.sql b.sql c.sql";set -- $f_name; printf "%d\n"  $#)
# f_name="a.sql b.sql c.sql"
# echo $f_name|tr " " "\n"|wc -l

Another one:

echo $f_name|awk '{print NF}'

wc -w ---> will return the no of words, why can't you use this option...

echo $fname|wc -w