Count of matched pattern occurences by time in a log file

We have a log file, the format is similar to this:

08/04/2011 05:03:08 Connection Success
08/04/2011 05:13:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 05:23:28 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 05:33:38 Connection Success
08/04/2011 06:14:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 06:24:28 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 06:34:38 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 07:14:48 Connection Success
08/04/2011 07:25:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 07:35:28 Connection Fail

I am hoping to write a shell script which can parse the file and have the output like:

08/04/2011 between 05:01 to 06:00 Success: 2 Fail: 1
08/04/2011 between 06:01 to 07:00 Success: 1 Fail: 2
08/04/2011 between 07:01 to 08:00 Success: 2 Fail: 0

Thanks very much for your time and help.

can you give more details and the desired output you are expecting
If possible please also paste your current shell script

Hi Harris,

I have posted my desired output as:

08/04/2011 between 05:01 to 06:00 Success: 2 Fail: 1
08/04/2011 between 06:01 to 07:00 Success: 1 Fail: 2
08/04/2011 between 07:01 to 08:00 Success: 2 Fail: 0


awk -F ":" '/Success/{s[$1]++;}/Fail/{f[$1]++}
END {for (i in s) {split(i,a," "); printf "%s Between %02d:00 to %02d:59 Success: %d Fail: %d\n", a[1],a[2],a[2],s,f}}' infile

08/04/2011 Between 05:00 to 05:59 Success: 3 Fail: 1
08/04/2011 Between 06:00 to 06:59 Success: 1 Fail: 2
08/04/2011 Between 07:00 to 07:59 Success: 2 Fail: 1



use Time::Local;

while(<DATA>) {
@dt=unpack("A2 x1 A2 x1 A4 x1 A2 x1 A2 x1 A2",$_);
if ($dt[3] ne $cur_hr) {
        print substr($start_dt,1,10),"Between " ,substr($start_dt,11) ," and " , substr($end_dt,11)," Success ", $suc ," and Fail ", $fail,"\n" if ($suc || $fail);
        $start_dt=$dt[0]."/".$dt[1]."/".$dt[2]." ".$dt[3].":00:00";
        $mon=$dt[1] - 1;
        $yr= $dt[2] - 1900;

        $sec_end=$sec_start + 3600;
        $end_dt=$dt[0]."/".$dt[1]."/".$dt[2]." ".$dt[3].":59:00";

        if ( $cur_sec >= $sec_start && $cur_sec <= $sec_end) {
                if ( /\bSuccess\b/ ) {++$suc;}else{++$fail;}

print substr($start_dt,1,10),"Between " ,substr($start_dt,11) ," and " , substr($end_dt,11)," Success ", $suc ," and Fail ", $fail,"\n" if ($suc || $fail);
08/04/2011 05:03:08 Connection Success
08/04/2011 05:13:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 05:23:28 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 05:33:38 Connection Success
08/04/2011 06:14:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 06:24:28 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 06:34:38 Connection Fail
08/04/2011 07:14:48 Connection Success
08/04/2011 07:25:18 Connection Success
08/04/2011 07:35:28 Connection Fail

Ruby(1.9+)"file").each do |line|
    date,time,conn,status = line.split
    str = sprintf("%s|%s|%s", date,time[0,2],status)
    h[ str ] += 1
h.each do|k,v|
    s =  k.split("|")
    (final[ s[0,2].join("|") ] ||= [] ) << s[2]+":"+v.to_s
final.each{|x,y| a=x.split("|") ; puts "#{a[0]} #{a[1]}:00-#{a[1]}:59 : #{y}" }


$ ruby test.rb
08/04/2011 05:00-05:59 : ["Success:3", "Fail:1"]
08/04/2011 06:00-06:59 : ["Success:1", "Fail:2"]
08/04/2011 07:00-07:59 : ["Success:2", "Fail:1"]

This is great, thanks very much for all your help.