Couldn't start nrpe services (Unknown service)

Good morning,

I've installed nrpe 2.12 (from nagios) on a HP-UX B.11.11 U server!

Then I've configured the following files :

$ tail /etc/services
nrpe            5666/tcp        # NRPE
$ tail /etc/inetd.conf
nrpe stream tcp nowait nagios /software/nagios/nrpe/bin/nrpe -c /software/nagios/nrpe/etc/nrpe.cfg -i

...and restart all inetd services :

$ /usr/sbin/inetd -c

No error in STDIN... nothing is going on and this service doesn't start!

So, I've checked the logfile :

$ tail /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Jul 20 08:18:34 hp-ux inetd[973]: Rereading configuration
Jul 20 08:18:34 hp-ux inetd[973]: protocol = tcp
Jul 20 08:18:34 hp-ux inetd[973]: protocol = udp
Jul 20 08:18:34 hp-ux inetd[973]: nrpe/tcp: Unknown service
Jul 20 08:18:34 hp-ux inetd[973]: Configuration complete

Why? Where could be the problem?
I've trying to re-install this package, change configuration in nrep.cfg, looking on google... but i don't have ideas any more!!!:confused:
Is it a config's problem or programm?

Any Ideas?