'Couldn't read file' error in bash script with expect, sed and awk!

Ok, so I have a bash script with an embedded expect statement.
Inside of the expect statement, i'm trying to pull all of the non-comment lines from the /etc/oratab file one at a time.
Here's my command:

cat /etc/oratab |sed /^s*#/d\ | awk 'NR==1'|awk -F: '{print \"$1\"}'|. oraenv

Now, this works at the terminal, but it doesn't work inside of the expect statement.
When executed within the expect script, I get the following error:

missing close-brace
    while executing
"while { 1 > 0 } {

        #Pull the SIDs from oratab
        send "cat /etc/oratab |sed /^s*#/d\ | awk NR==1|awk -F: {print"
couldn't read file """}|. oraenv\r"
        expect "?"
        send "\r"
        expect "$"

I think the issue is with the "awk -F: '{print $1}' " command.
I've tried escape characters, quotes, backticks, quotes with escape characters... any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Here's the complete script for reference:


#set a timestamp that will be used for labeling the log file
timestamp=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S)

#set log_file variable; logs will be stored under /var/log/change_password/day-and-time-run.log

#set a variable to hold the number of entries in ORATAB
numDatabases=$(echo cat /etc/oratab | sed '/^\s*#/d;/^\s*$/d' |grep -v "#"|awk -F: '{print $1}'|wc -l)

echo "----------   $numDatabases DATABASES FOUND!!!"

#Ask user to confirm that they have updated the host list (host_list)
echo -n "----------   Welcome to the Password Change Script. Have you edited the host_list file? (Y or N):"

#Collect user's input
read answer

#handle user's input; proceed with collecting CURRENT password if 'Y', otherwise send message and exit 
if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]
    #Prompt user for CURRENT password - will be used to log in at the OS level
    echo "----------   Enter the CURRENT password and press [Enter] NOTE - The password must be the same for all user account on all servers and databases to work correctly"
    echo -n "----------   Current Password:"
    read current_password
if [ "$answer" != "Y" ]
        echo "----------   You must edit the host_list file first! Exiting!"

#Prompt user for NEW password that will be set for several OS user accounts and DB accounts
echo "----------   Enter a NEW password to be applied to all accounts (OS, DB, RMAN) and press [Enter]"
echo -n "----------   New Password:"
read new_password

#Get the number of servers from the text file, based on number of lines
server_count=$(wc -l < host_list)

#Communicate to user the number of servers found
echo "----------   Changing passwords on "$server_count" servers..."

#Notice to users not to prematurely kill the process/script, as sometimes it appears to be hung/crashed
echo "----------   Do not kill the process/command until you see the 'Goodbye' message - you will see several ssh connections and password updated successfully messages. Starting in 3 seconds..."

#wait 3 seconds
sleep 3

#create 'i' variable for iteration

#Execute the code within the while loop for every server name found in host file
while [ $i -le $server_count ]; do
    #set current_server variable to the server name found on each line of the host_list file
    current_server=$(sed -n "$i"p host_list)

    #communicate to user/log that script is attempting to SSH to the server and change passwords    
    echo "----------   Attempting to connect to server "$current_server" ("$i" of "$server_count" servers) and reset password for all accounts..." 

    #set VAR variable - it will hold the entire expect script command that will SSH to every server and remotely execute password change commands
    VAR=$(expect -c '

    # Set the log file.
    log_file '$log_file'

    send_user "\n-------------   '$numDatabases' = numDatabases\n"

    #start an SSH session as root on the current server
    spawn ssh oracle@'$current_server'

    #Script has initiated an SSH session; if prompted with the RSA warning, send yes and enter. 
    #If prompted for password to login, send password and enter
    expect { 
        "The authenticity of host"    {send "yes\r"}
        "password:"            {send "'$current_password'\r"}
    #Script has attempted to authenticate via SSH by passing a password. If prompted for password again, password must be wrong. 
    #If prompted with the # then script must have successfully connected to server. Change the OS password for user account oracle
    expect {
        "password:"    {send_user "\n----------   SSH failed - most likely due to incorrect password! Exiting!\n"; exit }
        "$"        {send "passwd oracle\r"}
    #Script has attempted to change OS password for user account oracle. 
    #If prompted for password, OS is ready for new password; send new password and enter. 
    #If OS returns Unknown user... then oracle user account probably doesnt exist
    expect {
        "password:"                {send "'$new_password'\r"}
        "Unknown user name oracle."        {send_user "\n----------   passwd failed - there is no user oracle on host $current_server! Exiting!\n"; exit}

    #Script has supplied the new password for oracle once, just needs to send again to confirm
    expect "password:"
    send "'$new_password'\r"

    #Script will now change password for asm OS user account
    expect "$"
    send "passwd applmgr\r"
    expect {
        "password:"                {send "'$new_password'\r"}
        "Unknown user name applmgr."        {send_user "\n----------   passwd failed - there is no user applmgr on host $current_server! Exiting!\n"; exit}

    #Script has supplied the new password for applmgr once, just needs to send again to confirm
    expect "password:"
    send "'$new_password'\r"
    expect "$"

    #Script will now log in to each oracle database and change DB user passwords there
    #Looping through all of the databases in oratab
    while { '$numDatabases' > 0 } {

    #Pull the SIDs from oratab
    send "cat /etc/oratab |sed /^s*#/d\ | awk 'NR==1'|awk -F: '{print \"$1\"}'|. oraenv\r"
    expect "?"
    send "\r"
    expect "$"

    #log on as sysdba
    send "sqlplus / as sysdba\r"

    #Expecting the oracle prompt
    expect ">"
    send "ALTER USER sys IDENTIFIED BY '$new_password';\r"
     expect ">"
    send "ALTER USER system IDENTIFIED BY '$new_password';\r"
     expect ">"
    send "ALTER USER dbsnmp IDENTIFIED BY '$new_password';\r"
     expect ">"
    send "ALTER USER outln IDENTIFIED BY '$new_password';\r"
     expect ">"
    send "quit\r"
    #End while/for loop

    expect "$"
    #If we havent exited by now, everything should be OK - send the all clear message
    send_user "\n----------   No errors while changing passwords on $current_server\n"
    #Exit the SSH session
    send "exit\r"

    #Closing the expect statement here

    #Execute the above expect script
    echo "$VAR"
    #Notify user/log that all accounts have been updated on current server
    echo "----------   Finished with "$current_server"!"
    #Wait one second to allow people to see what's happening
    sleep 1
    #Increment i so loop hits the next server in the host_list
    (( i++ ))
#finish loop

#Prompt user to clear all clear-text passwords in the log file
echo -n "----------   Complete! Do you want to clear clear-text passwords from the log files? (Y or N):"

#Collect user's input
read answer

#If user answers 'Y', replace all clear-text passwords with '********'
if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]
        echo "----------   Scrubbing clear-text passwords from log file..."
    sed -i 's/'$new_password'/********/g' $log_file
    echo "----------   All clear-text passwords have been masked!"
    echo "***************   Script has completed"
    echo "***************   Log can be found at $log_file"
    echo "***************   GOODBYE"
#If user answers with any other string, warn the user of the clear-text passwords
if [ "$answer" != "Y" ]
        echo "----------   Log file unmodified. CAUTION - your new password is stored in clear-text the log files!"
    echo "***************   Script has completed"
    echo "***************   Log can be found at $log_file"
    echo "***************   GOODBYE"