Could not chdir to home directory


on logging into oracle account i got these error message
Could not chdir to home directory /home/oracle: No such file or directory
/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/oracle/.Xauthority
found the command used in creating user was
usermod -d /home/oracle -m oracle
i requested to create oracle user,groups, iam able to login but dir does't contain.
please advice or suggest on how to overcome this issue.

Like the error says, /home/oracle does not exist.

why did't it got created, do i need to create the folder manually.
or should i ask for re-creation of the user.

I'd create it manually. The -m option might have been needed to create a new homedir with usermod. If it's supported on your system that is.

Just check /etc/passwd file and make sure that the account folder that is given on that line containing the user exists.If not then create it manually.

thanks a lot, i have cr8 the folder manually.