core dump

Hi All,
i am new to this forum.i want detail of reading the core file and trace the problem because of what the program get crashed.please help me.if any body knows any website or tutoril plese let me know.


we have de-bugger like mdb ,adb which can be help in de-bugging core dumps.
i read it a long time back. can't remember exactly how to debug.

Hi pradeep,
thanx for your reply.can you guide me .i have gdb.i can create the coredum file but dont know how to analize.please...

I totally forget the options in the gdb and presently i don't have even one.
can u go through the man of gdb. please let me know if your are not able to debug it.

Find the gdb manual at GDB: The GNU Project Debugger

Also use the forum search with the keywords gdb. It will throw a few results which could help you out.


Do you work with veritas products..?

I dont work with veritas products.

    * In vino veritas.
          o Translation: "Truth is in wine" That is, "Wine will bring out truth."