copying files with dumb characters

I'm trying to batch copy files from one location to another. My script get's the output of a find command (i.e. find /disk3/jpm/seq -type f | xargs copy2boss)
The script works fine, except when filenames contains whitespace, backslashes and so on. Any hints? Is there another more accurate approach?

I need to copy files from user's seq directory to the boss's seq folder. The destination folder depends on the source folder.
Example copy

Here's the copy2boss script (sorry for the tcsh :o)

@ loop = 0
while ( $loop < $# )
    @ loop ++
    set current_file = $argv[$loop]
    set target = (`echo $current_file | sed 's:\(\/disk3\/\).*\(\/seq\/\):\1boss\2:'`)
    set target_dir = (`echo $target | sed 's|\(.*/\).*|\1|'`)
    if ( ! -d $target_dir ) then
        mkdir $target_dir
        chown boss:user $target_dir
    if ( ! -r $target ) then
        cp -p $current_file $target
        chown boss:user $target 

best regards

Try enclosing all the sensible variables into double quotes, like this:

cp -p "$current_file" "$target"

thank you for the answer
I tried it but doesn't work. The problem comes probably from the fact that I'm a newbie and didn't choose the right method.

What I found out is that I should enclose the find output with quotes before passing it to the script. This way nothing (hopefully) get interpreted.

find /disk3/omar/seq/plasmids/ -type f | sed "s/.*/\'&\'/" | xargs copy2boss

And I also did follow your suggestion as this

@ loop = 0
while ( $loop < $# )
    @ loop ++
    set filename   = `basename "$argv[$loop]"`
    set source_dir = `dirname "$argv[$loop]"`
    set target_dir = `echo "$source_dir" | sed 's/\(\/disk3\/\).*\(\/seq\/\)/\1boss\2/' `
    set output = "cp -pR '$source_dir/$filename' '$target_dir/$filename'"
    if ( ! -d $target_dir ) then
        mkdir $target_dir
        chown boss:user $target_dir
    if ( ! -r "$target_dir/$filename" ) then
        eval $output
        set output = "chown boss:user '$target_dir/$filename'" 
        eval $output