Copying data from one file server to another

Hello people,

I have a question regarding transferring data from one file server to another.
The server is a Solaris 9 box
The old file server is connected via Ethernet cable, and the new file server we are switching is a Fiber channel.
can I use the

dd if=server:/app1 of=server2:/app1

and then on the server I just change the mount points and edit the entry in the /etc/mnttab and share it in the /etc/dfs/dfstab file?

Sounds easy right? Any comments and advice is appreciated.

Not sure if I understand, But if you just want to copy file(s), why not just use the scp or rsync.

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Nice I never thought about SCP.

So all I have to do now is use scp to copy from host to host.

scp host1:/path/* /local_path/

And add entries on the application accordingly so that the information will be backed up in the new server right?
The old file server is going to be disposed.