Copy respective path next to last column with awk

Hi to all,

I have the short print out sample of the DOS command "dir S/" as showed below.

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window

02/12/2010  11:35 p.m.    <DIR>          .
02/12/2010  11:35 p.m.    <DIR>          ..
11/12/2009  10:31 a.m.            13,556 aol_radio_alb_art.jpg
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.            12,206 config.png
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.            13,950 controls.png
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.             2,858 menu_file.png
               4 files            42,570 bytes free
 Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer

14/07/2009  02:48 a.m.    <DIR>          .
14/07/2009  02:48 a.m.    <DIR>          ..
13/07/2009  07:17 p.m.            92,936 ImagingDevices.exe
13/07/2009  07:15 p.m.         1,853,440 ImagingEngine.dll
               2 files         1,946,376 bytes free

I�ve done some custom manipulations with the columns format using sed, but don�t know how to
copy to the rigth (as last column)the respective path above of every block of files as follow.

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window

02/12/2010  11:35 p.m.    <DIR>          .
02/12/2010  11:35 p.m.    <DIR>          ..
11/12/2009  10:31 a.m.            13,556 aol_radio_alb_art.jpg  C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.            12,206 config.png  C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.            13,950 controls.png  C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window
28/04/2009  02:20 p.m.             2,858 menu_file.png  C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\Bento\window
               4 files            42,570 bytes free

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer

14/07/2009  02:48 a.m.    <DIR>          .
14/07/2009  02:48 a.m.    <DIR>          ..
13/07/2009  07:17 p.m.            92,936 ImagingDevices.exe  C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer
13/07/2009  07:15 p.m.         1,853,440 ImagingEngine.dll  C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer
               2 files         1,946,376 bytes free

May somebody help me with this issue?

Thanks in advance.


awk '/Directory/ {x=gensub("Directory of ","",$0)} $4~/[0-9]/{$NF=$NF" "x}1' file
awk '/Directory of/ {p=substr($0,15)} $4~/^[0-9]/{$0=$0 FS p}1' infile

Hey guys yinyuemi and rdcwayx, many thanks. Works nice!.
Good lesson, good knowledge learned from your solutions...:b: