copy lv scsi to san

Hi All,

Regarding my migration of (multiple PV) scsi to san (single PV). I was able to copy lv from scsi to san.

The only problem is how can I remove the old lv/old fs to put up the new lv/ old fs. If I try to mount the new lv/old fs, it will have error "There is no plausible log device for /dev/lv ("fs"). I added the jfslog on the new lv, it's still the same error.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

Actually, I can mount on smitty "Add a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume" but with another problem, "crfs: /fstest file system already exists". But I already remove the lv and fs. I can however change the fs which will make my server have errors.

How can I make the same fs name?

Hm, why are you creating JFS file systems instead of JFS2? You could use an inline log then instead of the jfslog LV and avoid the problem you told about in the other thread.

Regardless if mounted or not the known filesystems are all listed in /etc/filesystems and this is the reasons why "crfs" (the command SMITty calls) will complain about the mountpoint already in use by another FS. AIX tries to warn you because you create a situation where you would possibly overmount a filesystem.

The solution is: create a temporary mount-path. If your VGs LVs are mounted like that:

etc. ...

create a temporary mountpath "/app-tmp" where you mirror the mounting structure of your old VG. Like that:

etc. ...

You can then mount both /app1/* and /app-tmp/* and copy the static data while your application is running normally. Only then shut down the service, copy the rest of the data and umount the old LVs. Umount the new filesystems now, change the /etc/filesystems by reversing "/app-tmp" and "/app1" and mount the *new* LVs, now at /app1. Restart the application and you should be done.

If anything goes wrong you can immediately reverse the change again and by remounting switch back to the old data.

I hope this helps.
