Copy files from subdir


How can I copy files from subdirectories without copy the subdir
and copy it to a higher dir

For example:


copy file1 to /home or another dir


unless I'm missing something

cp /home/test/subdir/file1 /home

will do what you want

cp /home/test/subdir/* /home/
find /home/test/subdir -type f -prune -exec cp {} /home/ \;

I mean for different files starting with file*

---------- Post updated at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:14 PM ----------

for example


I want to copy file1 & 2

when I'm in /home/user/ and copy them in home/user/lala

cp /home/user/test1/subdir1/file1 /home/user/test2/subdir2/file2 ./lala/

---------- Post updated at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:33 PM ----------

Less restrictive :

cp /home/user/test?/subdir?/file? ./lala/

but i haven't always subdirs :stuck_out_tongue:

I am afraid, we need more info about how does your tree structure look like and which files you are willing to move or not.


copy these files to /home/user/lala

---------- Post updated at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:00 PM ----------



copy these files 'starting with file' to home/user/lala

cd /home/user
find /home/user -type f -name "file*" | while read f
echo cp $f /user/lala/${f##*/}

Try this, if it displays what you expect, then remove the "echo" so the "cp" command will apply for real

The echo is fine
but when i try to copy it gives me an error:

He says that he can't make the normal file because it doesn't exists
But it does ...

You mean when you run the following :

cd /home/user
find /home/user -type f -name "file*" | while read f do
cp $f /user/lala/${f##*/}

You get some error message ?
could you please copy/paste the message you get ?

Could you please also paste the result you get when running the following 2 commands :

find /home/user -type f -name "file*" -ls
ls -ld /user/lala

It's ok i gave the wrong destination directory sorry!
It works now thanks