Copy files from CDROM to harddisk?

Hi all!
i'm Vietnamese, sorry my english!
I'm using System P 570 with AIX 5.3 OS
but i'm newbie

Now i need to copy content from CDROM to harddisk
but i can not read any thing from my cdrom such as system can not recognize cd driver.

So how can i mount my cddrom or how can i read or copy files from my cdrom?

any answer can send to my email : *snip*! or reply on forum.
please help me! Thanks

edit by bakunin: asking for answers/solutions sent by email and posting email adresses here is against the rules. Please read these rules before posting (and abide by them while you do).

One way to mount the CD-ROM file system is to use SMIT.

In the "Mount a File System" window:

* Enter the device name for this CD-ROM file system in the FILE SYSTEM name field. Typically, the device name is /dev/cd0.
* Enter the CD-ROM mount point in the Directory over which to mount field. Typically, the mount point is /cdrom.
* Enter cdrfs in the Type of Filesystem field. To view the other kinds of file systems you can mount, click List.
* In the Mount as READ-ONLY system field, select yes.
* Accept the remaining default values and click OK to close the window.

I'm a newbie
Can you show me command line in Terminal console to mount my cdrom step by step!
such as how can i access mount file system?

Thanks very much!

thanks, after follow action above,can i access my file on cdrom in directory /cdrom?

wait for me! i go to my server! Thanks

Ok.Thanks, i've already read my cdrom
But now i have a prolem!

I see my files in my cdrom, i click on my zip file from cdrom.
System can not read my zip file and i can not eject my cdrom.

How can i manage process and can i end a process
or how can i eject my cdrom?
please have me! thanks

AIX locks the drive when it is mounted, so unmount it.

umount /cdrom

Should do it.

AIX does not support zip files but there is freeware you can install to allow AIX to uncompress zip files.

Index of /aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/zip
Index of /aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/unzip

I can't eject my cdrom drive
so i restart my server :smiley:
next time, i will try.
Thanks everybody


To unmount a cdrom in AIX you must not have anyone accessing it. That includes being in the directory. So try this before reboot next time:

cd /
umount /cdrom

If it won't unmount then a process is accessing. As I recall "fuser -u /dev/cd0" will show you the processes accessing. Then use "ps -ef|grep PID" where PID is the process id to see what process. Kill that process and you should be able to unmount.

I feel your pain my friend. Unix is an expert friendly operating system. Though once learned and appreciated you will love it.