Copy file systems

I have to copy 3 file systems from one machine to another on the same local network.
Total data is about 150gb. There is not enough free space on the source system to tar the files and then copy.
I have to do this remotely, no tape or dvd
I need to maintain permissions and ownership.
I have tried rcp, but while the permissions are passed, the ownership becomes root.
I tried mounting the new file systems via nfs, and using "copy -omr"but this also changed the ownership to root
Anyone ?

have you got ssh installed?

tar zcvf - SOURCEDIR | ssh user1@remotehost 'cd DESTDIR; tar zxvf - '

or if you don't want to lose the overhead with tar.

scp -rp SOURCEDIR user1@remotehost:/DESTDIR

Thanks, I used scp. It seems to be significantly faster than rcp, copying about 650mb per minute on a 100megabit network.