Copy contents of a directory only if a file exists

I'm looking to write a script that will check the contents of a directory, and if any files exist in that directory copy them to a temporary folder. The target files are only resident for a few seconds, so I think the script needs to be running constantly.

Any pointers would be really apprecaited.

find . -type f |xargs tar cvf /tmp/a.tar

And I think you shuold know how to untar a.tar

while :
   if [ -f $file ];do
      ln -f $file /path/to/temp/dir/
sleep 2; # Loop every 2 seconds

This will be the best way if you want to duplicate the file in the same filesystem.

I'll admit this is sloppy programming, but here's the solution that I came up with (placed the script in the target directory):

while 1 = 1
cp * /temporarydirectory
sleep 10

A CTRL+Break is used to stop the script, but works and doesn't seem to be too hard on resources.