copy content of file to another

I have a file called part1.pdb...contents are:

ATOM      1  N   SER     1     -10.295  -8.909  10.913  1.00  0.00
ATOM      2  H1  SER     1     -10.230  -8.214  10.183  1.00  0.00
ATOM      3  H2  SER     1      -9.558  -8.745  11.584  1.00  0.00
ATOM      4  H3  SER     1     -11.255  -8.966  11.222  1.00  0.00

Now there are several files with name File9_60.pdb, File8_240.pdb etc...
I have to copy content of part1.pdb into each file. i wote a code in perl but this doesnot work...can some1 help..??

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @filenames = qw(part1.pdb);

for my $filename (@filenames) {

    open(my $fr, '<', $filename) or next;
    open(my $fw, '>>', grep {/File\d+_\d+/} glob "File*_*.pdb") or next;

    local($/) = undef;
    my $content = <$fr>;

    print $fw $content;

    close $fr;
    close $fw;

Where you trying to do something like:

FILE=$(mktemp -p .)
for i in File*; do
    cat part1.pdb ${file} > ${TEMP}
    mv ${TEMP} ${file}