Copy certain file types recursively while maintaining file structure on destination?

Hi guys,

I have just been bothered by a fairly small issue for some time now. I am trying to search (using find -name) for some .jpg files recursively. This is a Redhat environment with bash.

I get this job done though I need to copy ALL of them and put them in a separate folder BUT I also need to keep the order intact after copying.

For e.g - If I get a JPG file under /home/usr/new/1/ then the destination also needs to be /test/old/new/1/.

At the moment, I am simply putting all files under /test/old/ and I can't somehow get the later /new/1/ folder path created under /test/old/

I understand this could well be done using while OR if else loop, though if someone can just guide me with a hint, I would be really grateful.

I will complete the rest of the steps and was asking here since I am still not comfortable with the shell/bash scripts yet and planning to be really good at it over the next couple of months.


You can copy the whole directory and remove all not-jpeg files:

find /home/usr/new/1/ -type f ! -name '*.jpg' | xargs rm