Copy all HTML files to a folder called webback.

Hi I need help in that script, in which I am trying to copy all HTML files in a folder called WEBBACK, display names of the files copied and a message.
Here is the script:


set temp=`find *.html`      \*TO FIND ALL THE HTML FILES*/
set n=$#temp                    \*N= NUMBER OF FILES*/
set a=1                              \*COUNTER*/
set directory="webback"       
set checkdir=`find webback`   \*CHECKING IF WEBBACK EXISTS*/

if [ $checkdir[1] == $directory]then   \*IF WEBBACK EXISTS THEN*/
while[$a <= $n]
cp $temp[$a] $directory/   \*MOVE FILE TO WEBBACK*/
echo $temp[$a]                \*PRINTING NAME OF THE FILE MOVED*/
set a=`expr $a + 1`        \*COUNTER INCREMENT*/


if [ $checkdir[1] != $directory]then
mkdir $directory
while[$a <= $n]
cp $temp[$a] $directory/
echo $temp[$a]
set a=`expr $a + 1`

echo "Above $n file/s have copied to $directory." \*MESSAGE*/

I wonder if Homa would be mad if she knew u were cheating

Btw i did it in 6 lines

She will be extremely happy ..!:slight_smile:

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