Copy a file by creating folder structure in destination as in Souce


i am having a source directory which consist of multiple sub directories and my destination folder is a empty directory.

if try to copy a file source->test->1.txt from source to destination test2 using the commaind.
cp source/test/1.txt desti/

It will copy the 1.txt under desti directory.

but i need tocreating directory test folder under desti folder then copy the file to desti/test/ folder.

Please advice me how to do this.

thanks in advance.


Is that the real scenario? or do you want to create the complete directory structure?

t_dir=/some/path/dest/$(basename $s_dir)

mkdir -p $t_dir
cp $s_dir/$s_file $t_dir/

for the complete directory structure:


t_dir=/some/path/dest/$(basename $s_dir)



please test first.

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