converting unix timestamp into readable format using c++

hi everyone, im new here and am in desperate need of help. I want to convert my 32 bit unix time stamp ' 45d732f6' into a readable format (Sat, 17 February 2007 16:53:10 UTC) using c++.

I have looked around the interent but i just cant make sense of anything. All examples i can find just get the current date and time they dont actually show you how to take an actual timestamp and convert it.

I really hope you guys can help me, im not a great programmer and would greatly appreciate an example or some guidence as to how to proceed

thank you

If you know how the date and time has been encoded in the 32-bit hexadecimal string '45d732f6' then it's possible to come up with something that makes sense :confused:

Since you did not provide feedback I tried to figure it out myself. The hex string is the seconds from the UNIX epoch and translates to Sat 17 February 2007 16:53:10 UTC

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

    time_t epch = 0x45d732f6;
    printf("0x%x -> %s", epch, asctime(gmtime(&epch)));

im sorry for my late reply shamrock. Thank you for your input it has been very helpful in my program!!

thanks again!