Converting real time to epoch time

[root@ds-accm-z2-pri196 ~]# date +%s -d "Mon Feb 11 02:26:04"
[root@ds-accm-z2-pri196 ~]# perl -e 'print scalar localtime(1360567564), "\n";'
Mon Feb 11 02:26:04 2013

the epoch conversion is working fine. but one of my application needs 13 digit epoch time as input


rather than 10 digit epoch time


is there some conversion that i am missing? any help will be deeply appreciated. thanks

PS: in one of the epoch online conversion website i tried to convert both types of epoch time. both are working but in unix i am not able to convert into 13 digit output epoch time :frowning:



epoch 13 uses milliseconds instead of seconds, since you are not using the extra precision with your date command, why not try simply adding 3 zeroes at the end?

date +%s000 -d "Mon Feb 11 02:26:04"
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thanks mate it worked with my application :slight_smile:

Hi all,
Can any1 suggest me how can i get the epoch time of file.
i mean...
ls -l test.txt | awk '{print $6,""$7,""$8}' gives me Nov 30 2011...
now is there any way i can convert this into epoch time for this particular file only...