convert upper case to lower case in ascript

I have a package to install and the installation script which does it . The files/directories names in the script are all lower case but the actual package has everything in upper case - file names, directories . I don't want to rename directories and files in the package - it has a lot of them . But I can not use the script as it is - it does not recognize files names . What would be the easiest way to deal with this ???


script has command
cp -f $var1/$var2/dirname_1/filename_1 ......
and the package has

I roughly estimated that there's about 60 lines in the script that have the dir and filenames which would need to be converted. It's uses a /bin/sh script .

$ old=/../../DIRNAME_1/FILENAME_1
$ echo $old

$ new=$(echo $old | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')

$ echo $new

-Devaraj Takhellambam

Hi DEVTAKH thanks for the reply , but I need a bit more than just using tr . What I essentially want is for the install script to be able to recognise the directories and file names which are all in Upper case, but in the script are written as lowercase . For example

Script has
cp -f $var1/$var2/dirname_1/filename_1 ../../../
the package has

I do not want change the whole command just for the cp to find $var1/$var2/DIRNAME_1/FILENAME_1