Convert the first letter of each line to uppercase

I have the following file:

/* ----------------- ADP2DAILY_Box ----------------- */
insert_job: ADP2DAILY_Box
job_type: b
owner: mbprwork
permission: gx,wx
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
exclude_calendar: mtg_holidays
start_times: "1:00"
description: "Process Daily New pools agency data"
alarm_if_fail: 1
/* ----------------- ADP2DAILY_JobSetPermission ----------------- */
insert_job: ADP2DAILY_JobSetPermission
job_type: c
box_name: ADP2DAILY_Box
command: $RUNDIR/set_geo_perm_mtgrep.csh
machine: cffimtgsaslx01
owner: mbprwork
permission: gx,wx
condition: success(ADP2_4BDRunBox) and success(ADP2_9BDRunBox)
n_retrys: 1
std_out_file: > $JOBSPATH/$AUTO_JOB_NAME
std_err_file: > $ERRSPATH/$AUTO_JOB_NAME
alarm_if_fail: 1
profile: /home/MtgMdlApps/AGENCY/bin/

I want this as my output:

/* ----------------- ADP2DAILY_Box ----------------- */
Insert_job: ADP2DAILY_Box
Job_type: b
Owner: mbprwork
Permission: gx,wx
Date_conditions: 1
Days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
Exclude_calendar: mtg_holidays
Start_times: "1:00"
Description: "Process Daily New pools agency data"
Alarm_if_fail: 1
/* ----------------- ADP2DAILY_JobSetPermission ----------------- */
Insert_job: ADP2DAILY_JobSetPermission
Job_type: c
Box_name: ADP2DAILY_Box
Command: $RUNDIR/set_geo_perm_mtgrep.csh
Machine: cffimtgsaslx01
Owner: mbprwork
Permission: gx,wx
Condition: success(ADP2_4BDRunBox) and success(ADP2_9BDRunBox)
N_retrys: 1
Std_out_file: > $JOBSPATH/$AUTO_JOB_NAME
Std_err_file: > $ERRSPATH/$AUTO_JOB_NAME
Alarm_if_fail: 1
Profile: /home/MtgMdlApps/AGENCY/bin/

how do i achieve this in a unix shell script

awk ' { $0=toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2); print } ' file
# cut -c1 infile | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] >in1
# cut -c2- infile >in2
# paste in1 in2 | sed 's/\s//' >infile
# rm in1 in2

Another one:

awk '$1=toupper($1)' FS= OFS= file

Some sed implementations support the special \u sequence:

sed 's/./\u&/' infile

With Perl:

perl -pe's/./\u$&/' infile