Convert first character of each word to upper case


Is there any function(Bash) out there that can convert the first character of each word to upper case?

Similar to php function Eg :
$foo = "hello world!";
$foo = ucwords($foo); //Hello Word

Manage to Google out this example :

first=`echo "hello world place"|nawk '{print substr($1,1,1)}'|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`

however it only will display "Hello". Rest of the word are truncated. May I know what went wrong in the coding?

Thank you for the help in advance.

foo="hello world place"
awk '{for(i=0;++i<=NF;){OFS=(i==NF)?RS:FS;printf toupper(substr($i,0,1)) substr($i,2) OFS }}' <<< "$foo"
Hello World Place

Without using any external commands:

$ _capwords the quick brown fox
$ printf "%s\n" "$_CAPWORDS"
The Quick Brown Fox

I have these functions in a library:

    case $1 in
        a*) _UPR=A ;;        b*) _UPR=B ;;
        c*) _UPR=C ;;        d*) _UPR=D ;;
        e*) _UPR=E ;;        f*) _UPR=F ;;
        g*) _UPR=G ;;        h*) _UPR=H ;;
        i*) _UPR=I ;;        j*) _UPR=J ;;
        k*) _UPR=K ;;        l*) _UPR=L ;;
        m*) _UPR=M ;;        n*) _UPR=N ;;
        o*) _UPR=O ;;        p*) _UPR=P ;;
        q*) _UPR=Q ;;        r*) _UPR=R ;;
        s*) _UPR=S ;;        t*) _UPR=T ;;
        u*) _UPR=U ;;        v*) _UPR=V ;;
        w*) _UPR=W ;;        x*) _UPR=X ;;
        y*) _UPR=Y ;;        z*) _UPR=Z ;;
         *) _UPR=${1%${1#?}} ;;

  _upr "$1"

  unset _CAPWORDS
  set -f
  for word in $*
    _cap "$word"

foo="hello world place"
echo $foo | tr " " "\n" | nawk ' { out = out" "toupper(substr($0,1,1))substr($0,2) } END{ print substr(out,2) } '
Hello World Place