convert file storage size from one unit of measurement to another

The source number is always in megabytes and I need a script to covert into either MB,GB or TB displayed in a specific format.

Source number examples:


The result has to be maximum 2 numbers after the comma

1.13 TB
134.17 TB
413.46 GB
678.45 MB

I know a couple ways to calculate it but how to make it just 2 numbers after comma?

 EXAMPLE1="`expr $SOURCE / 1024 / 1024` TB"
 EXAMPLE2="$(($SOURCE/1024/1024)) TB"
 EXAMPLE3="`echo|awk '{print '$SOURCE' / 1024 / 1024}'` TB"

Use printf to format the output:

printf "%.2f\n" $SOURCE


Thanks that does solve my main problem but one more question..

TEST="`echo|awk '{print 7068099 / 1024 / 1024}' | printf "%.2f\n"` TB"
echo $TEST

How can I make it work like this?

I've got the following alternative solution but that's one unnecessary step!?

TEST=`echo|awk '{print 7068099 / 1024 / 1024}'
TEST2="`printf "%.2f\n" $TEST` TB"
echo $TEST2

Should be something like:

TEST=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",  7068099 / 1024 / 1024}')

Or as a variable:

TEST=$(awk -v a="7068099" 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",  a/1024/1024}')
