Convert excel to csv in python date not display exactly


Anyone can help I am just converting the excel file to csv using python, I can get the conversion output but the date not display exactly.

test.xlsx date format

167	1588		risks/SCS JP CAMPANA & CIE.pdf	SCS JP CAMPANA & CIE		2		1	1	0	2015-03-16 16:56:25
167	1146		risks/AirBNB Inc..pdf	AirBNB Inc.		2		1	1	0	2014-10-03 17:03:58
167	1134		risks/Deere & Company (1).pdf	Deere & Company		2		3	1	0	2014-10-03 17:01:13

test.csv date format output from python

"167","1588","","risks/SCS JP CAMPANA & CIE.pdf","SCS JP CAMPANA & CIE","","2","","1","1","0","42079.7058449"
"167","1146","","risks/AirBNB Inc..pdf","AirBNB Inc.","","2","","1","1","0","41915.711088"
"167","1134","","risks/Deere & Company (1).pdf","Deere & Company","","2","","3","1","0","41915.7091782"
The python code :
import logging
import time
import traceback
import xlrd
import csv
import sys
import re
import datetime

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')

def csv_from_excel():
    xls = sys.argv[1]
    target = sys.argv[2]"Start converting: From '" + xls + "' to '" + target + "'. ")

        start_time = time.time()
        wb = xlrd.open_workbook(xls)
        sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)

        csvFile = open(target, 'wb')
        wr = csv.writer(csvFile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

        for row in xrange(sh.nrows):
            rowValues = sh.row_values(row)

            newValues = []
            for s in rowValues:
                if isinstance(s, unicode):
                    strValue = (str(s.encode("utf-8")))
                    strValue = (str(s))

                isInt = bool(re.match("^([0-9]+)\.0$", strValue))

                if isInt:
                    strValue = int(float(strValue))
                    isFloat = bool(re.match("^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$", strValue))
                    isLong  = bool(re.match("^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)e\+([0-9]+)$", strValue))

                    if isFloat:
                        strValue = float(strValue)

                    if isLong:
                        strValue = int(float(strValue))



        csvFile.close()"Finished in %s seconds", time.time() - start_time)

    except Exception as e:
        print (str(e) + " " +  traceback.format_exc())


Thanks in advance.


Not knowing anything about python, I think, while you are using int, long, and float conversions, a date conversion is missing.